Where’d You Go?

In case you haven’t noticed, the website when *poof* for a day or so. I’m still waiting on more details from my host, but they said a hard drive failure brought down about half their sites. My guess is it was a firewall or gateway machine that went down, since I could still ping my site. On the bright side, their email server didn’t go down.

Other Stuff

James Woods Interview. He seems to be a pretty bright guy. Also a bit arrogant, but hey, he’s an actor, what do you expect. It’s definitely worth clicking through the Salon free day pass ads to read his exchanges with his interviewer.

We are in for quite a political ride. Bush has condemned the concept of homosexual marriages. I read an interesting editorial a few weeks ago in the print edition of the Post Gazette critiquing the idea of legalizing homosexual marriages from a purely political perspective (well, at least mostly). The bulk of the arguments centered around the increase in government services that would be required (using countries in Europe that have legalized homosexual marriages as examples). Even as a Christian, my libertarianism tends to poke through here. If this won’t require the government to grow exponentially (thus raising my taxes), have at it. Christians who deny the obvious fact this isn’t a Christian nation and try to rely on the law of land to change people’s hearts are misguided at best.

The president did, however, say something right during the press conference:

“Yes, I am mindful that we’re all sinners,” the president said Wednesday when asked for his views on homosexuality. “And I caution those who may try to take the speck out of the neighbor’s eye when they’ve got a log in their own.”

The federal government should stay out of this for moment and let the states decide what they want to do. If the people of Virginia don’t want homosexual marriages, that’s fine. If the people of Maryland do, that’s great as well.