
After a false start last week (thanks to Seb’s cold), we’re heading to the New River Gorge later today for five days of climbing and relaxing. The weather is looking much better than last weekend so maybe the change in plans isn’t all bad. We’re looking forward to seeing some friends we haven’t seen in awhile (since Seb was born, really), so it should be a very good time. I’m also looking forward to catching up some reading as well. There may be some random posting from the trip — we’re bringing the laptop so Jen can do some writing — but who knows if there’s a wireless hotspot down there.

One political note (and why I like Slate). Chris Suellentrop has a nice article on John Kerry’s own verbal curlicues and his inability to say things simply. What’s really good about Slate is that even though writers like Suellentrop and Will Saletan are Kerry-supporters, they aren’t afraid to criticize him.