a little piece of me

a minute ago i was folding kitchen towels and rags and stuff, and i found myself picking things from the middle of the basket to fold. i thought for a minute that i was just picking up a towel from the middle because i wanted to fold all the towels first. but no. in fact, there were 3 other towels on top that i could have grabbed. so why, OH WHY, did i ignore the TOP towels and dig around for the towel in the MIDDLE?! this bothered my for the entire 5 minutes that i folded the kitchen stuff–i’m actually still trying to get over it–and i literally had to FORCE myself to only pick things from the top until i was done. so is this what being a stay-at-home mom does to a person– a presumably, normal, sane person? or do people who work away from home have the same neurotic thought processes when they come home and do laundry? i hope they do. i really, really hope they do.

an update on the boy coming soon…