Remembering Warmer Days

Sebastien giving Drew a proper English spot on Mountaineers Route, Coopers Rock State Forest.

The Economics of Fair Trade

David Koyzis has opened a discussion about this essay from the Action Institute regarding the economic validity of fair trade practices as they apply to the coffee industry. I’ve already added my two pence to the discussion on Dr. Koyzis’ site, and I need to do more homework to write anything further. I do, however, […]

Practical Art

Last night, as part of Jen’s birthday celebration, we went to hear Ted Kooser, the current Poet Laureate, speak at Chatham College. Jen has read several of Kooser’s books of prose for her coursework, and she has spoken well of him, so I gladly went along. I was intrigued because Kooser has fashioned himself as […]

Food for Thought

I haven’t had the motivation to write a coherent, cohesive entry for some time, so here are some quick hits. Hopefully many will be given a better treatment sometime soon…. On the commute I’ve really come to enjoy the new ride. Instead of fighting traffic, weaving in and out of cars, and trying to time […]

Local News (or the Long, Slow Death of Public Education in Pittsburgh)

Last night, Pittsburgh Public Schools Superintendent Mark Roosevelt, announced a plan to close 20 city schools as both a cost cutting measure and a way to be serve the youth of Pittsburgh. this map shows the schools that will close or be relocated. I’m not sure what to think about the closing of the Morningside […]

Local Events

Via the Thomas Merton Center, there is a series of discussions at the Squirrel Hill Branch of the Carnegie Library about Christianity and its response to socio-economic issues. Tonight the discussion will center on the environment as a Christian concern, and future discussions will look at Christianity and factory farming, and Christianity and the consumer […]