Lessons Learned

We’ve just returned from our first trip to the New River Gorge with two children. Two lessons were learned. First, we lack the energy and/or patience to climb with a three year old and a six month old. While we managed to do a reasonable number of routes on Saturday (given our rather un-alpine start), […]

Third Parties (2)

Charles Morris has an op-ed piece in the NY Times that speaks more directly to the sort of discontent and displacement that Peggy Noonan touched on. Rod Dreher has already weighed in.

Third Parties

Peggy Noonan’s column suggesting that now is the time for a viable third political party is making the rounds. While I agree with Noonan, and Stegall and Dreher, I wonder if we can do it right this time. Even if a third party candidate could take the White House in 2008, I’m not sure that […]