It’s been a long time…

Almost three years of life have remained undocumented here! I will now attempt to get back to it and turn this into… something. A place where I write stuff, share life experiences. Our anklebiters are now teenagers, and life with teenagers is much different than life with babies, or toddlers, or big kids. I don’t […]

living the dream 2009-2016

seven years and at least eight road trips have passed. in the moment of a double take, while i turned, blinked and then quickly looked back, so much time has gone by in those short years. the 3 year old baby is well into his 10th year. the 6 year old big kid is going […]

there is water running down our street.

when brian and i bought our house in may of 2004, we had a healthy fear of being homeowners, being responsible for an entire, free-standing building with electric, water, sewer and other utilities that were to become OURS. or maybe the fear wasn’t healthy enough. for the past almost 12 years, we have avoided any […]

first things at forty

i turned 40 mid-november of last year. just a few weeks ago, really. brian threw me a lovely, low key, small party with a few of my  very loved and close friends from pittsburgh (just so those of you from out of town know you were missed! and if you are here, and didn’t get […]

thoughts at the beginning of a new year

january, a very bleak month indeed, is beginning to wind down. february is lurking somewhere, behind the cloudy, cloudy skies and frigid temps. what it will bring, i don’t know. probably more of the same dreary and cold days with occasional snow. or maybe we’ll be able to sense the days getting longer finally. maybe […]

the christmas tree is lopsided

but what are you going to do when you get home from a long trip in the wee hours of the morning of december 18? it was dec 22 before we went out to get a tree and fancied the house up with the usual decorations and some new lights on the porch. pure white […]

what do you do…

when the sun won’t come out, the wind is blowing, the temps are in the 30s and the campground electricity and water go out? go climbing until your kids can’t feel their toes, huddle in the van with the engine idling, cook out in the cold, eat with 9 other people in your friends’ van, […]

see spot run

so far this trip, we have experienced the gamut of weather. cold. snow. clouds. sun. heat. we were hoping to avoid the really wild windy days that we have been in on our spring trips. alas, it was not to be. wednesday, dec 4, a cold front began it’s approach and with it came wind. […]

in el paso doing laundry

we have been on the road 10 days now, and today (the first day of december!) i’m taking advantage of our rest day to do laundry. we have a lot, even though i limited the number of clothing items we all brought. we have had to double-wear some things, but that’s okay. part of being […]


out of our skulls. my dad always told me as a kid that boredom is a state of mind. if we’re bored it’s just because we’re not creative enough (read: too stupid) to come up with something to do. and then he or my mom would threaten us with dreaded chores like cleaning out the […]