The View from Down Here (or, Florida, Day One)

So we arrived yesterday, and within minutes of finishing dinner at a little trattoria in a generic strip mall, Oren vomited. We thought we were over this (at least with him), but alas, we were not. Too much milk, methinks. Anyway, that’s how our trip started. I will note that traveling with grandparents makes the process wonderfully easy.

Today was better. Oren slept a lot, and ate a lot, and we just lounged around the resort compound, swimming and playing putt-putt. We are wearing shorts and sandals. My brain cannot wrap itself around this and the images of Christmas trees and reindeers. And for some reason, I always think we’re in California. I appreciate that this trip is forcing me to rest. While I don’t feel exhausted, I know my body needs the rest. Jen and I will hopefully check out a climbing gym in Orlando at some point though.

Tomorrow will include a trip to the Kennedy Space Center. That should be fun for all.