More Interesting French News

It looks like France will ban religious clothing in their public schools. There’s two things I find really interesting:

1. Most “intellectual” Americans like to look to France as the example of why Europe is so much better than the United States. According to their logic, the French are much more open-minded (see their lack of support for the Iraq war) and tolerant than Americans.

2. France is a primarily Roman Catholic country (95% according the linked article). You would think this is a prime mover in this decision, but interestingly, most of the people who would not comply with this ban will end up at private Catholic schools (where they can wear head scarves, yarmulkes, and the like).

Another interesting bit is this quote from a U.S. ambassodor for International Religious Freedom:

All persons should be able to practice their religion and their beliefs peacefully without government interference as long as they are doing so without provocation and intimidation of others in society.

That sums up my opinion nicely.