Lucky, Perhaps?

Here’s an interesting article on Salon about the lack of good jobs in the technology sector (thanks /.). Perhaps I’m lucky to live in Pittsburgh, where the tech industry isn’t doing too bad. I left a fulltime job last fall, and I’ve had fairly consistent consulting work since, and I’ve even turned down an offer for a full-time job. Another friend just got a new job in the industry, and I know a few other folks who are entertaining offers. Perhaps life is okay for us because, even though most of us have worked almost exclusively on web-based projects, our knowledge base is wide enough to allow us find work outside the web (case in point–I was doing ERP system work for awhile–incredibly unglamorous, but it pays well). Or, perhaps some of the people interviewed for articles like this aren’t very good at what they do? I doubt that, and I know the market is bad, bad, bad in other cities. Pittsburgh isn’t so bad after all….