Monster Child and Fingerbored

Weekend news update….

First, I finally bit the bullet and bought a laptop — a brand new Compaq Presario 2500. It’s got a Celeron processor, a reasonable amount of RAM, and a wireless card. I also purchased a new D-Link wireless router to replace our existing router. This has been an adventure….

Getting the wireless working was relatively pain-free. I still need to upgrade the encryption mechanism (I’m just using WEP at the moment), but otherwise there have been no problems, and since the router and card are 802.11g, it’s plenty fast. But, getting the new router to talk to the Verizon DSL modem has been a different story. Currently, the wireless router just creates a new subnet, rather than handling the DSL connection itself. It works just fine as a subnet router — just don’t ask it to connect to the internet. Bleh. I’ve combed the newsgroups, and found nothing enlightening, so it may be time to call customer service.

Seb is currently teething, and he may have a bit of a cold. Consequently, he is generally an unhappy camper. He hasn’t been eating much, hasn’t been napping much, and wants to be held more than usual. Last night was the only “bad” night, as he was awake for an hour and half or so, and crying most of that time. We were able to take him out to dinner last night, though. We went over to the Sharp Edge (a family friendly pub if there ever was one). He had a good time, offering bits of his dinner to the kids at the surrounding tables.

Other news…if the weather doesn’t break soon, I may quit climbing. Ok, so that was a bit of overstatement, but I’ve been quite bored at the gym lately, and it’s hard to get too psyched to train in the gym without the carrot of real rock dangled in front of me. So I’ve decided to put our fingerboard to use again to replace a trip or two to the gym every week. Lately I just haven’t felt strong in the gym, and I think the lack of a lot of “hard” bouldering is the reason. Maybe a few weeks of fingerboarding will cure my ills.

It’s been an eventful Rally Mexico so far, with lots of news. But I’ll hold off on writing anything until the event finishes this afternoon….