The Sunday Paper

Two interesting editorials in one of the local paper’s print edition. First, a short piece on why George Bush is on the wrong side of the stem cell issue. This is probably one of the least understood issues, at least by those who are against it. Opponents would like you to believe that embryos are being actively harvested by evil scientists who pull pregnant women off the streets. But that’s not the case. Others would like you to believe that stem cells are the by-product of abortions. But in reality, the biggest suppliers of human embryos for stem cell research are fertility clinics. And, as this editorial points out, George Bush is very much in favor of in vitro fertilization.

The second editorial is by right winger Ann Coultier, who is always good for a few bombastic remarks. Today, she pointed out that out of the four presidential/vice presential candidates, George Bush has the smallest net worth. Huh, I thought. Then I thought about it more. Didn’t GW own the Texas Rangers? Didn’t he have a major stake in a Texas oil company? If he did, this stunning realization by Coultier is suddenly a strike against him — if this guy can’t make loads of money in the oil business, what was he doing wrong? And why do we want to trust him to run the country?