
First…I accepted an offer for a fulltime job yesterday. I’ll be a Java monkey for a little collaboration software startup. Should be interesting. The work consists of using the newer Jakarta-Apache frameworks like Turbine and Velocity. Despite the fact it’ll be a paycut from consulting, not having to worry about things like health benefits is a huge relief–they ain’t cheap when you’re paying out of your own pocket.

I hope to never work on a Windows box again. I just lost about 3 years off my life (and I probably got about 10 grey hairs) trying to port my client’s web application from my linux box to a Windows laptop for demos. Yeesh. I’ll chalk some of the issues up my lack of knowledge about the Windows command line, but the lack of simple tools like unix tail can be really frustrating. That and the whole file separator issue….But it’s up and running now, and I’ve got a few demos to do over the next few days.