
Well, last night I was supposed to give a lightning talk at the Perl Mongers meeting, but alas, I got stuck in traffic in Oakland thanks to the Pitt game. At least they crushed West Virginia. You can check out my slides here if you’re curious about some obscure Perl module.

I believe I’m going to be moving the web log back to Movable Type, as I’ve quit fighting for SSH access to the web server, and I’m tired of FTPing my entries every day. I’ve had SSH access in the past, but either my SSH client or their SSH server daemon doesn’t clean up after itself when the connection is dropped, leaving whatever process I was running to monopolize the CPU. Meh.

A rare pro-war view on Reason. While I can’t say I’m pro war in Iraq at the moment, this is the most candid reason to go to war there that I’ve read.