The Longest Day

Well, in about two hours, the anklebiter’s due date will have passed. No news on that front at all….maybe tomorrow….

Quite a frustrating day. First, we lost internet connectivity at work. Not a big deal, since most of my work revolved around servers inside the network. But I soon found I really needed the Jakarta Group’s lame, half-completed documentation to complete my task. I tried in vain to carry on, but eventually I got frustrated and just left. Of course, to make matters worse, in a fit of frustration, I seemed to have managed to compromise my Yahoo mail with a lame piece of spam. Don’t ask. Fortunately, there’s little _important_ stuff in there, so it’s just a major inconvenience. Bleh.

Then let’s not forget the linux adventure. I’m working on^H^H^H^H^H^H^H just finished attempt number, oh, six or so on installing Gentoo. Something goes wrong at some phase of the process each time. Amazing. Plus I’ve managed to destroy my Windoze 2000 installation. Nice. I’m currently downloading Slackware (at this rate, I should have a library of most major distros). “Just install Mandrake 9 and get it over with!” you say. “HAH” I say. Neither 9 or 9.1 will even start the install process. Meh. Normally, at this point, I’d give up, but we’re installing a VPN at work next week, and I don’t want to miss an opportunity to work from home….