New Life

Well, there is officially a baby in the house. The gang came back from the hospital this afternoon. Seb is being fed right now, then we’ll hunker down for one of our many catnights for the night.

I believe I mentioned something about turning up the volume on life as a reason/effect of having Seb. Well, we went to 11 on Monday. The delivery was everything we didn’t want–Jen was induced since she was 10 days late, she had an epidural since the contractions from the Pitocin were so intense, and poor Seb was, *ahem*, helped into the world with a pair of forcips. Labor lasted maybe 11 hours or so, but the delivery happened very quickly. Jen’s labor had been stalling (a by-product of the Pitocin), and she wasn’t making much progress. There was some concern about Seb’s health, as the intense contractions (again, a by-product of the Pitocin) were causing his heartrate to dip a bit lower than it should after each contraction. Then Jen’s doctor came in, checked her progress, and said “She’s complete, let’s deliver this baby.” At this point, I was lying on a couch reading when about 10 doctors and nurses came into the room. Next thing I knew, I was telling Jen to push and Seb was popped/pulled into the world….

Crazy. It was THE most intense thing I have ever experienced. I think we’re both still sorting through things, as exhaustion and elation are the most common things we’re feeling right now. The thing that is most strange to me is how comfortable and happy I am at the thought of being a dad. Ask my friends and family–I was not (and probably still aren’t) a kid-person. I’m not a huge fan of other people’s kids (though the disdain of my younger years has softened quite a bit), but I’m a huge fan of my kid.

Well, off to burp Seb then drift off to sleep with my family.