Everybody’s All Wet

Had a bit of poopy day yesterday…an old consulting project reared its ugly head, and I’ve had to say no, sorry, I can’t help you right now. There aren’t enough hours in my day. I was feeling pretty crummy, but something pretty amazing happened. We had dinner with the in-laws, then went home. I was tired, but it’s my job (though I don’t look at it that way) to give Seb his bath. We’ve been able to actually give him real baths now (instead of sponge baths) since his imbellical cord stump fell off, so I filled the tub, got his bath stuff, and Jen handed him to me. Just being able to spend 10 minutes with him, bathing him, made me forget about all the crap that had happened. It was quite nice. It also helps, by the way, that he sorta likes his bath…..

Rode my bike to work this morning too, in the driving rain. It was quite nice, actually. It was just cool enough that I wasn’t freezing, but I also wasn’t sweating buckets under my jacket. While it isn’t as pleasant as riding on a nice, sunny day, a nice wet ride is still enjoyable, in its own sick, twisted way.